3888 Stillwell Beckett Rd Oxford, OH 45056
Building a New Home
If you are looking at building a new home in our service area, refer to our New Service Process outlined below. You will need to have an address from your County's Tax Map Office (or similar) in order to apply for membership and set up an account.
For more information on starting service, click here.
Other information and tools for building a new home:
New Service Process
M Member's Responsibility
C Cooperative's Responsibility
- M Apply for membership
Contact the cooperative Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- M Mark all property lines and location of house or building
Mark prior to Operations Appointment
- M On-site appointment with cooperative's operations representative
Scheduled when applying for membership
- C Invoice created for construction costs and mailed to member
Sent within 10 business days
- M Pay invoice for construction costs
Pay by phone, mail or online through SmartHub
- M Clear right-of-way
If necessary and/or discussed during on-site appointment with operations representative
*Local Building/Zoning Phone Numbers for Inspections