3888 Stillwell Beckett Rd Oxford, OH 45056
Weather Matters
When it’s cold in the winter and your heating system runs, or when it’s hot in the summer and your air conditioning runs, your bill will typically be higher. How much weather affects your electric bills depends on many factors, including your home’s original construction materials, insulation and air leaks. Personal comfort plays a role too, as does the difference between the thermostat setting inside and temperatures outdoors.
What are Heating and Cooling Degree Days?
Heating Degree Days and Cooling Degree Days are measurements of how mild, normal or extreme temperatures are over a period of time. These measurements affect your household energy consumption and ultimately, your electric bills. If the outside temperature is 65 degrees or lower, you'll need to use heat to maintain a 70 degree temperature inside. If the outside temperature is 65 degrees or higher, you'll need to use air conditioning to maintain a 70 degree temperature inside.
Check out local historical average temperatures, heating degree days and cooling degree days below.
The data is obtained from the Cincinnati Greater Airport in Covington, Kentucky.