3888 Stillwell Beckett Rd Oxford, OH 45056

Federal Income Tax Credits & Other Incentives for Energy Efficiency

Take advantage of federal income tax credits and other incentives designed to promote energy efficiency. Save money while upgrading your home with energy-efficient systems, appliances, and improvements. These programs make it easier to reduce energy costs and contribute to a sustainable future.

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Information from EnergyStar.gov below:

Information updated 12/30/2022

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 provides federal tax credits and deductions that empower Americans to make homes and buildings more energy-efficient to help reduce energy costs while reducing demand as we transition to cleaner energy sources.

Savings for Homeowners

New federal income tax credits are available through 2032 providing up to $3,200 annually to lower the cost of energy efficient home upgrades by up to 30 percent. Improvements such as installing heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, insulation, doors and windows, as well as electrical panel upgrades, home energy audits and more, are covered by the tax credits and can help families save money on their monthly energy bills for years to come. 

In addition to the energy efficiency credits, homeowners can also take advantage of the modified and extended Residential Clean Energy credit, which provides a 30 percent income tax credit for clean energy equipment, such as rooftop solar, wind energy, geothermal heat pumps and battery storage through 2032, stepping down to 22 percent for 2033 and 2034. 

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ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade

The ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade is a carefully crafted set of six high-impact, energy efficiency improvements for your home. Designed to work together to deliver significant energy and cost savings, these upgrades can also help you transition from fossil fuels for a cleaner, healthier and more comfortable home. You can choose the improvements that make the most sense for your home and implement them at your own pace. Watch this video (link is external) to learn more. 

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