3888 Stillwell Beckett Rd Oxford, OH 45056
A Place to Gather, Share, and Learn
The cooperative offers a meeting room for use by non-profit groups that serve the community or provide a benefit to the community. The room has been established for business use and is not designed for merchandise parties, receptions or family gatherings. Room capacity is determined once room set-up requirements are discussed. Please fill out the reservation form below to check on availability. Use of the room is free of charge, on a first-come basis. To allow more groups to use the room, the room is rented on an “occasional” basis, not for regularly scheduled events.
Guidelines for use of the Community Room:
- May be used on an occasional basis by groups that serve the community or provide a benefit to the community. It is not to be used for bridal showers, merchandise parties, wedding receptions, etc.
- For occasional use only. It is not to be used by the same group on the same night of every week or month, etc.
- Room capacity will be determined based upon room set-up requirements.
- Free of charge, on a first-come availability basis.
- Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on premises.
- Smoking is prohibited in facility.
- Room reservation may be booked no more than one year prior to event.
- Limited security code may be assigned.