3888 Stillwell Beckett Rd Oxford, OH 45056
Our Mission
To be a dynamic, progressive organization guided by cooperative principles and to provide energy and other value-added services to its members. The Cooperative will participate in its communities, providing leadership and support to improve the quality of life for all of its citizens.
We are an independent, private and not-for-profit organization owned by the members we serve. We work hard every day to provide safe, reliable and affordable electric service and ensure your needs are always met.
Every Member Has a Voice
The best part about being a member of the cooperative is just that … it’s your cooperative. You have a say in how the cooperative is run, because membership also equals ownership. Being locally owned, operated and democratically run means you can trust us to focus on your needs, local priorities, and decisions that are best for your community.
Did you know...
Electric Cooperatives:
- Are located in 80% of the nation’s counties
- Are the largest electric utility network in the nation
- Total more than 900 local systems in 47 states
- Have 42 million member-owners
- Distribute power over 2.5 million miles of line
- Serve 75% of the U.S. land mass
- Own $130 billion in generation, transmission, and distribution assets
- More than 88% of all local electric co-ops offer electricity generated from renewable sources.

The Seven Cooperative Principles
Cooperatives around the world operate according to the same set of core principles and values, adopted by the International Co-operative Alliance. These principles are a key reason why America’s electric cooperatives operate differently from other electric utilities, putting the needs of our members first.