We do our best to make sure outages do not occur, but when they do, you can stay up-to-date on service restoration with the tools below.
The map below is continually updated to show all outages within our service territory.
Sign in to SmartHub
Log in to your SmartHub account, select Report an Issue/Inquiry and Power Outage.
You can also report your outage from the SmartHub app.
Text Us
Preregistration is required for this feature.
Learn how to register your phone.
Text OUT to 855-940-3867, which is our self-serve phone number. You will receive a reply that the outage was reported successfully.
Call Us
Call 855-940-3867, which is our self-serve phone number. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can also call our office.800-255-2732
When calling our self-serve phone number, having your account number handy will speed up the process.
If your phone number is recognized by our system, the system will automatically record your service location and report the outage. If your phone number is not recognized, you will be given additional voice prompts to verify your information.
Stay informed during a power outage
Buy emergency supplies before an emergency happens. Many power outages are short-lived, but some may last days. Here are some things to consider for a long-term outage.
Stock up on:
- Candles, minimum four to five dozen
- Candle stick holders
- Matches and disposable lighters
- Battery-powered space heater
- Flashlights and extra batteries
- A supply of non-perishable foods needing little or no cooking (be sure you pack any special dietary foods, baby food and formula, if needed.); check a camping store for food supplies
- Manual can opener and bottle opener
- Water stored in clean, non-corrosive, non-breakable, tightly covered containers such as soft drink bottles ― plan for at least two quarts per person per day
- Hand tools such as hammer, screwdriver and wood saw
- Camp stove or canned heat stove, and fuel for three to five days; or hibachi grill and charcoal
- Water repellent tarps
- Extra blankets
- Paper plates, cups and plastic utensils
- Fire extinguisher
- Extension cords, long enough to reach your neighbor's house
- Personal hygiene products, sanitary supplies, diapers and first aid supplies
- Ice chest and ice or frozen ice packs
- Store away some bottled water. This will be handy if you are on a well that runs off your electric service.
- Keep on hand extra flashlights and a battery-powered radio. Also store some extra batteries for the radio and flashlights. Candles are another item to have on hand.
- Have a good supply of nonperishable food, such as canned goods, powdered milk, dry cereal, and dried fruits.
- Plan for an alternate place to stay. Perhaps there is a relative or friend that may not be affected by a storm the way you would be.
- If you think you might ride out the storm, store away some blankets in case your heat is not working during the outage.
- If possible, have access to a cellular phone. Your home’s hardwire or cordless telephone may not work without electricity.
- Make sure you know how to manually open and close any electric garage doors, security doors or gates.
- Have surge protectors on important electrical equipment such as computers, DVD players and televisions.
- Be aware that during an outage, gas appliances with electronic ignitions will not work because electricity is needed to ignite the natural gas. Appliances requiring fans or other electric devices to run (such as central heating units and gas clothes dryers) will not operate.
- Keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed while the power is out.
- If you see fallen power lines or poles, stay away from them. Let the professional crews from the cooperative repair them.
- Call the cooperative to report your outage. Don’t assume someone else will call.
- If you can go to a friend’s or relative’s home that has power, go.
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, refrigerated food must be kept at temperatures of 40 degrees to avoid spoiling. This is depending on the insulation and integrity of the fridge. Do not taste food to figure out if it's safe to eat.
- A closed refrigerator will keep food safe for about four hours.
- A closed freezer will maintain food quality for about 48 hours if full, 24 hours if half full.
- 50 pounds of dry ice will keep a freezer cold for two days.
The following items are the most vulnerable in your refrigerator:
- Eggs
- Mayonnaise
- Leftovers
- Milk products (except butter)
- Fresh meats, poultry and seafood
- Soft cheeses, low-fat cheese and shredded cheese
- Creamy-based dressings, gravy and spaghetti sauce
After an extended power outage, discard all previously frozen products except breads, nuts, hard cheeses, fruit juices.
Tip: Use Mother Nature to your advantage during the winter outage and gather accumulated snow to protect your refrigerated foods.
Q: Why don't I see a Butler Rural Electric Cooperative truck near my home?
If you're experiencing an outage, our crews are working as quickly and safely as possible to restore your power. Outages can be caused by numerous reasons - the cause may be down the road or at a substation miles away.
Q: Is my outage isolated?
Check your breaker box first. If some of your lights or appliances are still working within your home, chances are the trouble is probably within your own electrical system. Call your neighbors to determine if they are without power too. This helps determine if the problem is a line or transformer issue.
Q: How does outage text communication work?
First, you need to create a Smarthub account at https://butlerrural.smarthub.coop/Login.html#registration:
Make sure your cell phone number is listed as a Messenger contact in Smarthub. To do so, sign into your Smarthub account and select Notifications > Manage Contacts > Add Phone Contact. It will take up to 48 hours for a new phone number to be recognized by the outage notification system. If you need assistance registering or updating a cell phone number, call us at 513-867-4400. If an outage occurs, text OUT to 855-940-3867.
Q: How frequently is the outage map updated?
The outage map is updated every 5 minutes.
Q: Does the outage map reflect only Butler Rural Electric Cooperative outages?
Yes, this map is designed for services and members of Butler Rural Electric Cooperative only.
Q: What happens during a large-scale weather event?
Due to the nature of restoration efforts, keep in mind the outage map may be updated less frequently as crews work to resolve complications that may arise in the field.
Q: Why can't I zoom in directly to my house in the outage map?
Because the cooperative's service territory is rural, we limit the degree of which you can zoom into the map to protect member privacy.