Q: Why don't I see a Butler Rural Electric Cooperative truck near my home?
If you're experiencing an outage, our crews are working as quickly and safely as possible to restore your power. Outages can be caused by numerous reasons - the cause may be down the road or at a substation miles away.
Q: Is my outage isolated?
Check your breaker box first. If some of your lights or appliances are still working within your home, chances are the trouble is probably within your own electrical system. Call your neighbors to determine if they are without power too. This helps determine if the problem is a line or transformer issue.
Q: How does outage text communication work?
First, you need to create a Smarthub account at https://butlerrural.smarthub.coop/Login.html#registration:
Make sure your cell phone number is listed as a Messenger contact in Smarthub. To do so, sign into your Smarthub account and select Notifications > Manage Contacts > Add Phone Contact. It will take up to 48 hours for a new phone number to be recognized by the outage notification system. If you need assistance registering or updating a cell phone number, call us at 513-867-4400. If an outage occurs, text OUT to 855-940-3867.
Q: How frequently is the outage map updated?
The outage map is updated every 5 minutes.
Q: Does the outage map reflect only Butler Rural Electric Cooperative outages?
Yes, this map is designed for services and members of Butler Rural Electric Cooperative only.
Q: What happens during a large-scale weather event?
Due to the nature of restoration efforts, keep in mind the outage map may be updated less frequently as crews work to resolve complications that may arise in the field.
Q: Why can't I zoom in directly to my house in the outage map?
Because the cooperative's service territory is rural, we limit the degree of which you can zoom into the map to protect member privacy.