3888 Stillwell Beckett Rd Oxford, OH 45056

Peak Alerts

Learn about the ways you can help save during Peak Alerts.

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Be Alert for Peak Alerts

Peak Alerts are issued when the demand for electricity is high and rising toward a peak. They typically occur on hot summer days from approximately 2 to 7 p.m., but can also occur in extremely cold temperatures. We ask our members to reduce their energy consumption during this time in order to help avoid reaching a new peak. If you have a radio-controlled switch on your water heater or a Cool Returns switch on your central air conditioning system, it will be activated during Peak Alerts.*

Avoiding a new electric demand peak is important. When a new peak is established, it may affect future transmission and generation costs. A Peak Alert does not indicate a shortage of electricity; it is a way for members to help hold down electric costs.

*A Cool Returns switch is only activated during summer Peak Alerts.

How do I know if there is a Peak Alert?

When the cooperative is notified that the demand for electricity is reaching an all-time high, we inform members by email, text, and/or voice message (if provided) and post the Peak Alert message on SmartHub, our Facebook page and on the front page of our website.

See the ways you can help during a Peak Alert below.

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