3888 Stillwell Beckett Rd Oxford, OH 45056
Electric Vehicle (EV) Rider
Let us know if you have an electric vehicle!
It is your responsibility to notify the cooperative before any changes to electric services are made. This applies to the installation of electric vehicle chargers that are level two or above. If you have an electric vehicle, please let us know by completing this form Electric Vehicle Form or call us at 513-867-4400.
This information can be found in Policy C1, which highlights member/consumer responsibilities. It's important for us to know when electric vehicles and/or electric vehicle chargers are installed so we can plan our electric system accordingly. EVs and EV chargers require increased infrastructure, and we plan for this growth so we can continue to meet our member's needs.
Members have access to view policies and monthly board meeting minutes in SmartHub. To view the documents, login to SmartHub and select My Profile > Member Documentation. From there, you can view all documents or select Policies or Board Minutes next to Document Type.

EV Rider and Time of Day Rate