Electric Vehicle (EV) Rider


This rider is perfect for:

Electric vehicle, or EV, owners who are willing to charge their EV during the night, when electricity demand and wholesale energy rates are lower.


To qualify for the EV rider:

  • You must own or lease an EV.
  • You must have an EV charger, and a separate electric meter installed. This meter will only measure the EV charger electric use. 
  • You must agree to be on the EV rider for a minimum of 36 months.
  • Click here to learn more about our EV charger rebate.


The EV rate is a rider added to your bill and will not change how your main meter electric use is calculated.


Electric Vehicle Rider

Off-Peak Credit: Non-variable rate plus 1.71 cents per kWh.

On-Peak Charge: 1.5 cents per kWh.

On-Peak Demand Charge: $2.86 per kW. No demand charges for off peak electric use.

Critical-Peak Charge: 13.9 cents per kWh.

The generation and transmission portion of your bill is made of two components – the non-variable and variable rates. The non-variable rate is based on the wholesale power cost from Buckeye Power and is reconciled monthly. The variable rate includes charges that fluctuate from month to month like fuel costs.


Electric Vehicle Rider Schedule:

Off Peak: 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

On Peak: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., excluding critical peak times

On Peak Demand: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Critical Peak: 2 to 6 p.m. weekdays June through September, excluding July 4 and Labor Day


Let us know if you have an electric vehicle!

Online Electric Vehicle Ownership Form

It is your responsibility to notify the cooperative before any changes to electric services are made. This applies to the installation of electric vehicle chargers that are level two or above. If you have an electric vehicle, please let us know by completing this form Electric Vehicle Form or call us at 513-867-4400.


This information can be found in Policy C1, which highlights member/consumer responsibilities. It's important for us to know when electric vehicles and/or electric vehicle chargers are installed so we can plan our electric system accordingly. EVs and EV chargers require increased infrastructure, and we plan for this growth so we can continue to meet our member's needs. 


Members have access to view policies and monthly board meeting minutes in SmartHub. To view the documents, login to SmartHub and select My Profile > Member Documentation. From there, you can view all documents or select Policies or Board Minutes next to Document Type. 


EV Rider and Time of Day Rate



Disclaimer: The September 2024 bill is on the time-of-day rate with the critical peak information and the September 2023 bill shows the same month before getting on the time-of-day rate. These are examples and every home is different. 

September 2024 Bill (On TOD Rate)


September 2023 Bill (Not on TOD Rate) 


EV Rider Bill example with critical peak. 

critical peak

EV Rider Bill example with no critical peak. 

no critical peak


Time Of Day


Off Peak: Electricity used between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. every day, when electricity is in lowest demand. This is the least expensive time to use electricity.

On Peak: Electricity used between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. every day, excluding critical peak times. This is when electric use is typically higher in demand.

On Peak Demand: Demand is the amount of electricity drawn from our electric system at a given time and is measured in kilowatts. This charge reflects the maximum 60-minute demand for the month measured from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day. On peak demand can occur during on peak and critical peak times.

Critical Peak: Electricity used between 2 to 6 p.m. weekdays June through September, excluding July 4 and Labor Day. This is during the time when electricity is in highest demand and is most expensive.