3888 Stillwell Beckett Rd Oxford, OH 45056
Nominating Committee: A way to participate in your co-op.
As a member-owned, democratically governed business, Butler Rural Electric Cooperative encourages member participation. A perfect example is the nominating committee. Our nominating committee members are responsible for finding and nominating board candidates each year. The board of trustees is always interested in members willing to serve.
Nominating committee members:
> Two members from each voting district are selected annually to serve on the nominating committee by the district’s trustee
> Nominate candidates for the board of trustees
> Act as a voice for members
> Meet three to four evenings per year – meetings begin at 6 p.m. and are at Butler Rural Electric Cooperative’s office in Oxford
> Receive $75 and are reimbursed for mileage for each meeting
> Are confirmed by the memberships at each annual meeting
Contact Julie Abbott, Butler Rural Electric Cooperative’s director of administration, at 513-867-4402 or juliea@butlerrural.coop if you would like to be considered by the board of trustees for our nominating committee.
To learn more about board member responsibilities, view our